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Immediate Access to 3 Free Videos that will help you DISCOVER:
- the unique PURPOSE of your life
- the driving NEEDS that steer your life
- the THREE pillars of your unique personal IDENTITY
- the HIDDEN BELIEFS keeping you trapped
- how to OVERCOME inertia
- where your real GENIUS is found
Discover the 7 Steps to Ending your Mid Life Crisis or Identity Crisis
If you’re a successful executive or business owner who is right now facing some kind of personal crisis, what I’m about to share could provide you with the specific keys you need to completely turn things around. No matter what your age, you can suddenly find yourself facing a period of significant, internal conflict that may have you practically frozen with uncertainty – or firing off in all kinds of random directions in a desperate attempt to live again.
Call it an identity crisis, a midlife crisis, or a quarter-life crisis; such times are likely leave you questioning not only what on earth you’re supposed to do next, but even who you are.
Now, it could be that some really challenging life event has knocked you back – even knocked you down; redundancy, bereavement, some significant health challenges, a failed business or the loss of someone or something really important to you. Such events can cause us to take stock of our place in the world; our abilities, our value, our role or mission in this life.
But it’s not always triggered by a major event. For you, it might simply be that the crazy pace of life has had you rushing from one ‘must do’ to another, fulfilling everyone else’s demands and never actually having a moment to actually identify… let alone SATISFY… your own, personal needs; never allowed you to really define what it is you TRULY want in life.
Can a life like that be fulfilling? I don’t think so. And maybe you’re realising that now.
It would be like living at the top of a high-rise apartment, whose foundations were never adequately designed and constructed. Then 30-40 years later the whole building is showing signs of worrying instability.
Thankfully, in your case, we don’t need to resort to demolition! Instead we simply need to reassess some of the fundamental issues that have never been adequately addressed – and now have you stuck where you are.
So how do people traditionally try to cope with a Life Crisis?
Clearly, what they've been doing so far hasn't been working for them – life has had them feeling insignificant, trapped, uninspired, bored. So if that’s YOU, should you:
- Splash out on a red sports car? Or maybe a Harley Davidson.
- Ditch your old relationship and get a young girlfriend or boyfriend?
- Maybe make a real statement with a bunch of wild tattoos?
Do any of these approaches actually work? If you've done these things you’ll know the answer – they’re not exactly a worthwhile investment. They’re more like a funfair ride that gives you an uncommon buzz the first time but soon enough wears off - leaving you as emotionally bland and empty as you were before…. And financially a lot worse off. As one cartoon put it, “Looks like I can't afford my midlife crises until I'm at least 70!”
You see, you can’t pour a ton of PLEASURE into a HOLE that demands PURPOSE and expects things to get better – any more than you can satisfy a need for OXYGEN by eating more food.
So, can we get real for a moment? If you don’t get this sorted. How, exactly, will your life turn out?
Surveys have indicated that a classic midlife crisis for women often lasts 2-3 years. With men they say it can be 3 to 10 years!
Can you imagine 3-10 years of your life spent unproductively, achieving nothing worth mentioning, going around in endless circles without purpose or direction? You’re not getting younger, you know – it’s time to find a way out.
What I can assure you there IS a way out and it starts with a GIFT…
It’s a gift you can give yourself now - by signing up for this free video series that will lay bare the seven vital issues that you must grasp if you are to find your own unique path to your own personal success and fulfillment in life.
This is for YOU if you’re ready now to take one small, but vital step in the right direction.
We have to understand that, ultimately, it’s not what’s happened to you that has had you stuck…
It’s actually down to the way you've been THINKING about things: specifically, the LENSES through which you've been looking at your life and the QUESTIONS you've been asking yourself.
Of course, to get to the root of anything YOU HAVE TO DIG – and we ARE going to have to dig pretty deep: uncovering these questions, examining your BELIEFS and your personal NEEDS. And underneath all that there are issues of IDENTITY – and in these videos I’ll be revealing the THREE ESSENTIAL parts of your identity that you simply MUST acknowledge if you are to find any sense of purpose to your life.
So, whatever you’re facing now, the great news is that there are many people who have faced such personal crises and have come out the other side much clearer, much stronger much more fulfilled because they found a new direction that was deeply congruent to who they really are – Enabling them to take on the latter years of life with a new and powerful purpose.
A true sense of purpose will give you energy in your mind and your body, will cause you to quit doing things that are trivial, distracting and pointless. You’ll have a reason to live, and to live life at a certain STANDARD – there are many things you simply will not accept anymore. And that’s a good thing. I will help you gain absolute clarity regarding the issues you’re facing:
· explaining why your sense of purpose is essential and how you've lost sight of it
· detailing exactly what you need to do to find your ‘True North’
· leading you through exercises that give you immediate understanding of the forces that underlie the issues you've been dealing with AND how to immediately turn them around in your favour
· and helping you integrate essential principles that will guide you daily and provide you a deep sense of purpose and an ongoing sense of fulfillment.
Truth is, these principles are essential for EVERY life – EVERYONE could benefit from getting back to these fundamental issues… it’s just they don’t know it yet.
So, I guess you're ahead of the curve here because you've started looking for answers by being here.
But this WON’T benefit anyone who has just a passing interest –so if you’re actually OK with things staying as they are, please pass on this and give up your seat for someone else. This is only those committed to seeing things change – for whom it is critical they resolve these issues for good.
These videos will give you UNCOMMON ADVICE: new ways of looking at your situation that you will (almost certainly) never have heard before. I will teach, guide, and encourage, yes… but knowledge is NOT the whole answer. I also set things up so you actually TAKE ACTION - The rubber has to hit the road if you want to move forward.
But hold on… who am I?
I’m Pad. I’m an author, speaker and success coach to business owners and company directors.
My work in this area is recognised not only by those who have experienced my coaching first hand, but also by experts, Doctors, therapists and counselors whom I've not only worked with, but have also trained – showing them how to pinpoint specific issues much faster than many traditional techniques have allowed them to do AND then how to follow up with methods that bring about very real, very significant shifts in peoples’ lives.
You will find these lessons are taught clearly, powerfully, and in an entertaining way – presenting you with powerful insights that can be immediately applied to improve your situation.
That said, most people still seem to assume that learning is the result of good teaching. But it really isn't. The attitude of the student is of immense importance. And if it’s important, like VITAL, that you get a solution to your situation, then you’ll sign-up, turn up, listen up and take action.
Clarity comes from experience. I’ll be giving you good seed to sow, but only by YOU sowing the seed into your situation will you discover the true learning.
Only those who take action will actually get the rewards “To learn and not to do is not really to learn.”
Final thing, the word Crisis comes from the Greek word that means DECISION. You have been presented with a moment that demands a Decision.
So, *IF* you’re ready to come with an attitude of … determined to get everything you can from these lessons, and to ACT on what you hear, then SIGN UP NOW, for free and I can promise you significant, positive shifts in your results + your level of fulfillment.
Call it an identity crisis, a midlife crisis, or a quarter-life crisis; such times are likely leave you questioning not only what on earth you’re supposed to do next, but even who you are.
Now, it could be that some really challenging life event has knocked you back – even knocked you down; redundancy, bereavement, some significant health challenges, a failed business or the loss of someone or something really important to you. Such events can cause us to take stock of our place in the world; our abilities, our value, our role or mission in this life.
But it’s not always triggered by a major event. For you, it might simply be that the crazy pace of life has had you rushing from one ‘must do’ to another, fulfilling everyone else’s demands and never actually having a moment to actually identify… let alone SATISFY… your own, personal needs; never allowed you to really define what it is you TRULY want in life.
Can a life like that be fulfilling? I don’t think so. And maybe you’re realising that now.
It would be like living at the top of a high-rise apartment, whose foundations were never adequately designed and constructed. Then 30-40 years later the whole building is showing signs of worrying instability.
Thankfully, in your case, we don’t need to resort to demolition! Instead we simply need to reassess some of the fundamental issues that have never been adequately addressed – and now have you stuck where you are.
So how do people traditionally try to cope with a Life Crisis?
Clearly, what they've been doing so far hasn't been working for them – life has had them feeling insignificant, trapped, uninspired, bored. So if that’s YOU, should you:
- Splash out on a red sports car? Or maybe a Harley Davidson.
- Ditch your old relationship and get a young girlfriend or boyfriend?
- Maybe make a real statement with a bunch of wild tattoos?
Do any of these approaches actually work? If you've done these things you’ll know the answer – they’re not exactly a worthwhile investment. They’re more like a funfair ride that gives you an uncommon buzz the first time but soon enough wears off - leaving you as emotionally bland and empty as you were before…. And financially a lot worse off. As one cartoon put it, “Looks like I can't afford my midlife crises until I'm at least 70!”
You see, you can’t pour a ton of PLEASURE into a HOLE that demands PURPOSE and expects things to get better – any more than you can satisfy a need for OXYGEN by eating more food.
So, can we get real for a moment? If you don’t get this sorted. How, exactly, will your life turn out?
Surveys have indicated that a classic midlife crisis for women often lasts 2-3 years. With men they say it can be 3 to 10 years!
Can you imagine 3-10 years of your life spent unproductively, achieving nothing worth mentioning, going around in endless circles without purpose or direction? You’re not getting younger, you know – it’s time to find a way out.
What I can assure you there IS a way out and it starts with a GIFT…
It’s a gift you can give yourself now - by signing up for this free video series that will lay bare the seven vital issues that you must grasp if you are to find your own unique path to your own personal success and fulfillment in life.
This is for YOU if you’re ready now to take one small, but vital step in the right direction.
We have to understand that, ultimately, it’s not what’s happened to you that has had you stuck…
It’s actually down to the way you've been THINKING about things: specifically, the LENSES through which you've been looking at your life and the QUESTIONS you've been asking yourself.
Of course, to get to the root of anything YOU HAVE TO DIG – and we ARE going to have to dig pretty deep: uncovering these questions, examining your BELIEFS and your personal NEEDS. And underneath all that there are issues of IDENTITY – and in these videos I’ll be revealing the THREE ESSENTIAL parts of your identity that you simply MUST acknowledge if you are to find any sense of purpose to your life.
So, whatever you’re facing now, the great news is that there are many people who have faced such personal crises and have come out the other side much clearer, much stronger much more fulfilled because they found a new direction that was deeply congruent to who they really are – Enabling them to take on the latter years of life with a new and powerful purpose.
A true sense of purpose will give you energy in your mind and your body, will cause you to quit doing things that are trivial, distracting and pointless. You’ll have a reason to live, and to live life at a certain STANDARD – there are many things you simply will not accept anymore. And that’s a good thing. I will help you gain absolute clarity regarding the issues you’re facing:
· explaining why your sense of purpose is essential and how you've lost sight of it
· detailing exactly what you need to do to find your ‘True North’
· leading you through exercises that give you immediate understanding of the forces that underlie the issues you've been dealing with AND how to immediately turn them around in your favour
· and helping you integrate essential principles that will guide you daily and provide you a deep sense of purpose and an ongoing sense of fulfillment.
Truth is, these principles are essential for EVERY life – EVERYONE could benefit from getting back to these fundamental issues… it’s just they don’t know it yet.
So, I guess you're ahead of the curve here because you've started looking for answers by being here.
But this WON’T benefit anyone who has just a passing interest –so if you’re actually OK with things staying as they are, please pass on this and give up your seat for someone else. This is only those committed to seeing things change – for whom it is critical they resolve these issues for good.
These videos will give you UNCOMMON ADVICE: new ways of looking at your situation that you will (almost certainly) never have heard before. I will teach, guide, and encourage, yes… but knowledge is NOT the whole answer. I also set things up so you actually TAKE ACTION - The rubber has to hit the road if you want to move forward.
But hold on… who am I?
I’m Pad. I’m an author, speaker and success coach to business owners and company directors.
My work in this area is recognised not only by those who have experienced my coaching first hand, but also by experts, Doctors, therapists and counselors whom I've not only worked with, but have also trained – showing them how to pinpoint specific issues much faster than many traditional techniques have allowed them to do AND then how to follow up with methods that bring about very real, very significant shifts in peoples’ lives.
You will find these lessons are taught clearly, powerfully, and in an entertaining way – presenting you with powerful insights that can be immediately applied to improve your situation.
That said, most people still seem to assume that learning is the result of good teaching. But it really isn't. The attitude of the student is of immense importance. And if it’s important, like VITAL, that you get a solution to your situation, then you’ll sign-up, turn up, listen up and take action.
Clarity comes from experience. I’ll be giving you good seed to sow, but only by YOU sowing the seed into your situation will you discover the true learning.
Only those who take action will actually get the rewards “To learn and not to do is not really to learn.”
Final thing, the word Crisis comes from the Greek word that means DECISION. You have been presented with a moment that demands a Decision.
So, *IF* you’re ready to come with an attitude of … determined to get everything you can from these lessons, and to ACT on what you hear, then SIGN UP NOW, for free and I can promise you significant, positive shifts in your results + your level of fulfillment.
An author, speaker and Success Coach, Pad has been interviewed by numerous major media channels including:
Team Me - Personal Empowerment

The Team Me approach uses the power of 'archetypes' to provides an assessment of the individual's core character strengths and how these relate to the demands of their professional role. A simple profiling tool makes the system highly accessible, enabling anyone to immediately understand why things are working - or not working - in their lives.
Visit the website for more information, free downloads, videos and all the latest news.